Sunday, June 22, 2014

Brooklyn, Brooklyn Take Me In

The thought I remember most about today is, "They pay me to do this?"  Teach For America's vision statement reads, "One day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education," and they live out their commitments to community and empowerment in every interaction.

Valuable Lessons from Today:
1. Work like a duck: Though you may be treading water furiously under )the surface, maintain that calm that keeps others at ease.

2. There is power in core values.  Just ask Bryan Stevenson, a civil right lawyer who discusses in his TED talk the extent to which the values a worker brings to her work changes the outcomes she produces.  What values do you bring to your work? (

3. Love Languages can help you determine how you best give and receive love!  The quiz is free and gives me the warm fuzzies.  I'm tied with Physical Touch and Quality Time, if you want to love on me! (

Awesome Moments from Today:
- Around mid-day, we migrated from our OC Lounge at St. John's University in Queens and drove to Brooklyn to hang out at the Empowering Yourself Rally with some awesome Brooklyn kids.  We painted, played Play-doh, made bracelets, showed of some dance moves, fought with water balloons, and generally had a blast.  Meanwhile, community members made music, danced, and performed spoken word to promote peace and inspire young people in the area.  (!youth-rally/cgc0)

- Pen met paper today, as I took time to slow down, think slowly, quiet my mind, and set goals for the summer, personally, professionally, and in my character.  May that lovely purple paper hanging on my desk corkboard spurs me on as I grow to reflect Christ in my life.

Person of the Day: Katie Hyder, my new boss.  She is calm, thoughtful, and quiet.  She does her own thing and exemplifies an air of compassionate assertiveness that I aspire to.  She is an honest, thoughtful boss who is willing to hear the thoughts, interests, and stories of her employees.  She even had the three of us take the Love Language quiz so that we can encourage each other better every day this summer.  Katie loves her students, running, group fitness, and much more.  I will learn so much from her this summer!

The Sunset: Viewed at the end of a walk around St. John's campus while reading Jeremiah on a bench outside on a beautiful New York summer day.

Song of the Day: "Elegy for Dunkirk" by Dario Marianelli for The Atonement.  Brought to you by Russell C. Bogue on my Christmas C.D.  My favorite song to listen to while reading/writing but craving some background music.

Verse of the Day: 2 Corinthians 9:7 - "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
At the rally today, a couple of young'uns got a hold of my name tag and sight read the little slip of paper with the verse of the day on it.  I helped them sound out "reluctantly," and they got "compulsion."  How cool it was to hear them fumble their way through a sentence of truth!  God is good, and His words were on their lips today.

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