Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Call it Super Tuesday

Another day, another chance to learn, learn, learn.  

Verses of the Day: Ephesians 3:16-17 - "I pray that out of his glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.  And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love..."

2 Corinthians 3:4-5 - "Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God.  Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God."

Play began with a fast 5 miler through the increasingly-familiar roads of Queens.  I popped out 5.1 at 7:40 pace, and discovered a Michael's right by a Starbucks - now that's a stellar shopping center.  The parks in NYC grace my runs, even if I'm too cautious to run in them by myself, even running along their outskirts on the sidewalk means I get a nice view of trees and greenspace, which is quite a far cry from the epic smog I expected.

Work included play today, especially in the afternoon with welcome sign construction!  I'll post pictures once I take them, but Crystal and I spent almost 4 hours today drawing, cutting, and coloring to herald the arrival of our new corps members (coming Saturday!!!).  

Chatting with the folks, getting that nasty towel smell out of my towel and washrag; bloggin' fah dayz; picnicing with fellow OCs; chatting about Manhattan, musicals, tourists, and charter schools with some hard core New Yorkers; and beginning my subscription with Spotify premium rounded out the day of fun!

Kentucky sunset, courtesy of Mom and Pops.
Oh, how I missed you!
Work: Sorting through brand standard, Google drives, license scans, et al can move slowly.  But I love my work because of the conversations I had with my bosses, Cat and Laura, because of the music coming out of the Dining and Res Life staff's computers, because of my lovely coworker, and because "one day, every child will have access to an excellent education."

Sunset: More of the wall climbing.  To get a good glimpse of the admittedly clouded sunset, I climbed up on a jutting stone flush with the wall above the wrap-around landing of the D'Angelo Student Center.  If you look very closely, you can (again) see the Manhattan cityscape in the picture.  Believe it or not, the picture-taker had goosepimples on her arms and legs while she snapped the shot!
NYC sunset on a truly beautiful night.
Keep 'em coming NYC!

Weirdest Thing We Did Today: Used a reusable vegetable bag labeled "Fresh" to carry my clothes from the dryer back to my room...while smelling my refreshed towel.

Person of the Day: My boss Laura, who stopped whatever she was doing to spend time chatting with me this morning, filling me in on personal details from her life with trust and grace.  She is simultaneously personal and professional.  My fellow OCs and I were chatting, and decided that regardless of how old she is, Ms. Laura will always be young because of her joy, kindness, gregariousness, and energy.  Those five minutes this morning made a huge difference in how I view my workplace and totally changed the direction of my day.  Let's hear it for considerate, engaged bosses.

1. God and the Government...as I muse on Romans 13, God's use of rulers in Isaiah and Jeremiah, etc.  See what John Piper contributes: http://www.desiringgod.org/sermons/the-limits-of-submission-to-man

2. What happens to your brain while you lie: http://mashable.com/2013/12/20/psychology-of-lying/
The Psychology of Lying

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